The Clark County School District & Kim ES's physical education program provides students with a K-12 standards-based curriculum designed to provide knowledge, concepts, principles, and strategies in the following areas:
Locomotor and nonlocomotor movement
Manipulative skills
Motor skills
Movement patterns
Self-management skills
Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity
Health-related fitness components
Healthy activity patterns
CCSD’s comprehensive physical education program is dedicated to promoting life-long physical activity and is essential to children’s health.
K-5 Physical Education
The K-5 physical education program is a movement-based, integral component of the total educational experience. The aim of physical education is the development of physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially fit citizens through the medium of physical activities. All students will engage in movement and lifetime fitness activities at moderate to vigorous levels for a minimum of 50% of the instructional time. In addition, students have needs for respect, accomplishment, dignity, expression, and control of the body. The ability to move well is an important part of developing self-confidence, and physical education can assist students in becoming efficient, effective, and expressive movers. The K-5 physical education curriculum is aligned to the Nevada Academic Content Standards in Physical Education.