Comprehensive mathematical knowledge is essential for success in today’s world. Society needs individuals who have sound estimation skills and number and spatial sense, who are competent using and interpreting data, and who can use appropriate technology resources to solve problems and make informed decisions. These skills are essential if students are to become successful citizens, life-long learners, and competitive workers in a global market place.
Mathematics is a basic component of every student's education. Within mathematics, technology should be regarded as a tool that can facilitate a student's understanding of quantitative relationships and that can increase computational proficiency in problem-solving situations. In elementary school, calculators are valuable tools as students explore patterns and investigate mathematical situations. Students should not, however, depend on calculators to help them solve basic computation problems. It is critical that students thoroughly develop basic computational skills at a young age. Technology can be used by students to strengthen and extend their understanding of concepts, explore mathematical functions, engage in problem-solving activities, employ real world applications, and verify results of mathematical activities. When technology is combined with a student's understanding of underlying mathematical concepts, learning is enhanced. Technology can support student learning and provide all students with the tools they need to master the Nevada standards. The foundations of these standards start with us!
The Nevada Mathematics Standards are intended to establish common expectations for local communities to develop a clear, shared understanding of what all students should know and be able to do at key points in their K-12 educational careers. The document includes five content standards: Numbers, Number Sense, and Computation; Patterns, Functions, and Algebra; Measurement; Spatial Relationships and Geometry; and Data Analysis. Each of these content standards is essential to accomplishing the goals for mathematics education listed below.
Goals of Mathematics Education in Nevada are built at Kim ES
the knowledge of basic mathematical facts and relationships and the ability to perform computations
the ability to make sound estimations and to make sense of number relationships
the ability to read, interpret, and create graphs, tables, and charts
the ability to make geometric observations, measurements, and constructions
the ability to understand the effective, appropriate, and efficient use of models and mathematical tools, including calculators and computer technology.